Funeral in Pamplona for one of the officers killed by a speed-boat of drug dealers  / VILLAR LOPEZ
Funeral in Pamplona for one of the officers killed by a speed-boat of drug dealers  / VILLAR LOPEZ
Funeral in Pamplona for one of the officers killed by a speed-boat of drug dealers


Funeral in Pamplona for one of the officers killed by a speed-boat of drug dealers


Funeral por el guardia civil David Pérez

Villar López

Funeral in Pamplona for one of the officers killed by a speed-boat of drug dealers


Marlaska acude en Pamplona a la capilla ardiente del guardia civil fallecido en Barbate

Eduardo Sanz Europa Press

La viuda del guardia David Pérez, muerto en Barbate (Cádiz) rechaza la medalla de Interior

Villar López

La viuda del guardia David Pérez, muerto en Barbate (Cádiz) rechaza la medalla de Interior

Villar López

La viuda del guardia David Pérez, muerto en Barbate (Cádiz) rechaza la medalla de Interior

Villar López